I am writing this post while lying on my bed. Obviously I am not using a computer, so my apology if it’s shorter than usual. Suddenly feel like in the mood to jot down something. ANECDOTE ONE I spoke to my sister tonight for about 17 minutes (spending RM 17 in the process). It’s ironic…
Are You Suffering From This? Are You Sure You Are Not?
I don’t want to talk about love again in this post. If it looks like I am talking about love, please read between the lines, please see the context which I say it. I sacrifice 2 hours of sleep for this post. I definitely will not write something self serving for that (or maybe…tell me….
Nasi Ayam Penyet & Milo Dinosour
This weekend, I embark on a spontaneous journey. I don’t plan anything, my knowledge about the place I am going is near zero. I even purchase the ticket on the same day. I want to say this journey meant to heal a broken heart. To rest and reflect on what had happened. It makes a…
Hari Ini Aku Menutup Lembaran Lama
Hari ini secara rasminya aku menutup satu lembaran dalam hidup aku. (penggunaan aku sebab sedang bermonolog) Buat beberapa ketika buku ini adalah buku kegemaranku yang ditatang dan dijaga dengan penuh kasih sayang, penghormatan dan penghargaan. Namun buat beberapa bulan kebelakangan ini, krisis ibarat krisis perlembagaan Perak berlaku. Biarlah sejarah tahu yang aku tidak pernah cuba…
Bahana Kanak-Kanak Menonton Drama Indonesia
Ini Kisah Benar dalam Ujian Pertengahan Tahun baru-baru ini. Nama tidak dirahsiakan. 1. Harga satu _________________ beras adalah RM 2.50 A. gantang B. sudu C. guni D. butir UMMAIRAH: Hmm… Sebutir beras takkan mahal sangat, pangkah. Sesudu beras mungkin. Seguni beras puluh-puluh ringgit, pangkah. Gantang? Haha, cikgu salah eja ni. Patut eja ganteng macam dalam…
Wanna Learn How To Be a Captivating Speaker?
Last Thursday, I did a sort of book talk for my 2nd book at KL International Book Fair. My target was to sell from stage and convert at least half of the room. Well, not bad, I think I manage to do it. But secretly I was hoping to convert the entire room though. …
Do You Know Why You Fail?
Failing is subjective. For me, there is nothing wrong with failing. Failing is just the result of a test. I think educated people like us know that failing is not a bad thing (eg: the quickest way to success is to fail faster, etc). Never heard of this? Contact me so that I can arrange…