If I wake up and see unread messages, it sort of make my morning. I don’t know why, but it somehow make me feel I am needed in someone else life.
Handphone Tidak Berbunyi
Jika 2 minggu lepas handphoneku berbunyi tak henti-henti hingga terpaksa diprioritikan siapa mana satu perlu dijawab dulu. Tapi minggu ini, sunyi sepi. Isy3x. Sunyi pula rasa.
Rajang Renegades
By any standard today was a hectic day. Immediately after the plane touch down, I hit the ground running. Devising strategy, tweaking store layout for maximum efficiency, preparing marketing material, checking inventory and also training staffs. Never before I felt so grateful for all the learning that I have gone through before and for all…
Full Circle
Before I start, here’s a commercial break. I missed my flight! After multiple near-miss lately I hope this one will serve as an eternal reminder not to be late again. When people say you must be at the airport 2 hours before the flight, you must be there 2 hours before. There is a reason…
Opportunities in Disguise
Sekarang saya berada di dalam LRT untuk pulang ke rumah. Satu perkara yang saya suka mengenai menaiki LRT adalah saya boleh menggunakan masa di dalam perjalanan untuk membaca. Dan saya dapat menjimatkan banyak wang sekadar membiarkan kereta di parking. Ketika di UTP setiap hari kereta saya bergerak. Di KL ia lebih banyak berehat. Sekadar dengan…
Darmawisata ke Siem Reap
Saya baru pulang dari percutian pendek ke Siem Reap. Sebuah bandar ringkas dengan saiz lebih kurang 4 kali bandar Endau. Rupanya hampir tidak jauh berbeza kecuali di sini ada tuk-tuk. Seimbas bandar ini tidak mempunyai daya penarik yang banyak kecuali kompleks Angkor Watt (besar ya, bukan sekadar sebuah kuil sahaja!) namun jika anda berkesempatan, berpeluang…
Recommended Watch
The ghost of girlfriends past is a must watch movie I will recommend to any insecure, H type girls and boys out there. It is not a ghost story, it’s a chickflick but full with smart and brilliant messages. I will share with you 2. First, when you love someone, get closer. Not run away…