This weekend I am going to Miri. We are opening a booth there. On Monday, H tell me that the B (name of a shopping complex in Miri) in Miri is charging us 50% more than what B in Kuching is charging us. Plus the rate is super expensive. It is on par with what…
Seorang Lagi Mangsa
Saya baru balik dari acara Terry Fox Charity Run di Lake Garden sebentar tadi. Seronok dan sungguh meriah. Ramai pelari yang berlari untuk kali pertama seperti saya (tengok muka pun dah tahu! hehe…), jadi syoklah. You can take your own sweet time. Pictures coming. Saya disertai oleh housemate yang termasuk dalam team Petronas dan rakan…
Kemahiran Menyelesaikan Masalah
Tajuk hari ini mungkin tajuk yang paling membosankan yang pernah saya tulis. Tetapi AWAS! Jangan underestimate tahap kekurangan ilmu menyelesaikan masalah di kalangan rakyat Malaysia, lebih-lebih lagi di kalangan muda-mudi seperti kita. Saya lihat terlalu banyak contoh yang menunjukkan kejadian ini dalam hidup saya, jadi saya rasa terpanggil dan terpaksa memberi ceramah percuma di sini….
It’s Monday, Yeay!
I do not suffer from Monday’s blues. I enjoy my work and well every day is just as great and awesome for me. However, I am glad this weekend is over. Not that I don’t enjoy it nor I am bored at home, (far from it actually). I don’t know why, but this weekend I…
Weekend Shout
Here, I am supposed to tell you my life is awesome and I am enjoying my weekend. Which is partly true. There are so much good stuff happening in my life right now, and I am grateful for it. However, there is an emptiness in my heart that long to be filled. Isn’t it nice…
Looking Forward
I spent 3 hours talking with an old friend of mine last night. About something. Yeah, about something. It has been enlightening. Not to say it is the first time I had an enlightening conversation before. I have a lot of that. But this one kind of reinforce what I already *supposed* to know….
Bukan Seorang
Minggu lepas aku sepatutnya ke Melaka seperti yang dirancang. Namun aku menukar rancangan dan pergi ke Ipoh. Di samping bercuti dan lari dari kesibukan kota, aku berkesempatan untuk memberi personal workshop kepada 2 orang apprentices yang aku harapkan menyertai aku mengembangkan empayar bisnes, F & A (bukan MLM atau berline-line aaa, ini department manager aku)….