Opportunities Come When You Least Expect It, So make the most when you get the chance.
This is a tribute to a friend of mine (now its 2 of them) who got married today.
First of all congratulations to Asanah and Hazim. May you be blessed eternally and live happily ever after (there is such thing!).
Let me start with Asanah. She was raised from a very humble background, but she make use what little opportunities presented to her and is currently doing her Ph.D in Leeds(she is from Maran, but I purposely put Lepar to make it rhyme. Lepar is another “Felda” near her home). Drama is important ok. :p
I have known her for almost 10 years, thank you for all your help before and for tolerating my sometime childish behaviour. We can laugh at it 40-50 years from now, but as of now I did what I believe is the best. You are frank and honest and will always call a spade a spade (but it doesn’t mean you are right!) hehe…
You are persistent and never fail to keep your cool. And congratulations, you are now married to the man you desire and love. I am sure there is a bright future for you both and you will have one big happy family.
Hazim, we never met but hearing about you from Asanah I think I can relate. And when we met I felt that instant connection and warmth. I know that you have had your vision and someone that people can depend on. Congratulations, you got someone whom I believe complement you.
Wish both of you a life of love and contentment. 🙂
p/s: Special mention to Sofiatul and Shairah whom I met during Asanah’s reception. Sorry for the initial awkwardness! I did recognize you BUT dah vogue gitu ok. Muka dah matang and educated, takut salah tegur orang malu plak. Sebab As kaki gelakkan orang. So, kalau kantoi salah orang nanti mesti sampai bertahun-tahun jadi modal dia. But I believe after that we got on fine. May your turn come soon. 🙂
Apsal aku bru tau ko tulis ni arini, bkn setahun lps.. Terharu..
Tu la, len kali selalu lah baca… hehe.. 🙂