1. I am grateful for the adequate sleep that I had the night before.
2. I am grateful every member of my family is in the house.
3. I am grateful my mom ironed all our Raya dresses. (my siblings iron their’s back because they are not satisfied- I don’t care )
4. I am grateful my parents are still healthy and very much alive.
5. I am grateful for all the noises we make in the morning. (Our house is unique, after Ummar, Sabriza & me went to further our study, our neighbours told my mum our house was unusually quiet)
6. I am grateful we all have new Raya Baju Melayu & Baju Kurung & family’s samping to wear.
7. I am grateful to hear the Takbir in the air.
8. I am grateful we have water to take shower.
9. I am grateful that we have 3 car going in different directions. My dad, My Mom & my sisters, me & my brother.
10. I am grateful I have an understanding younger brother.
11. I am grateful my tuk still cook tasty meal (although K. Ana manage to spoil the recipe somewhat)
12. I am grateful I can still eat real Ketupat, Lemang & Rendang.
13. I am grateful I can still eat beef, and drinks sweet syrup.
14. I am grateful I still have uncles & aunties and visiting them make me realise and learn something about life.
15. I am grateful I can do a small favor to them and they appreciate it.
16. I am grateful one of my uncle is recovering well from stroke.
17. I am grateful my car is good enough to be used for our balik kampung journey.
18. I am grateful my grandmother is still alive.
19. I am grateful for the family members that I have. My own family and our extended family. We have different ideologies and different beliefs, but each of them teach me something that I cherish and make me realize how valuable the experience is.
I am grateful for the joyous Raya that I have.