Here, I am supposed to tell you my life is awesome and I am enjoying my weekend. Which is partly true. There are so much good stuff happening in my life right now, and I am grateful for it. However, there is an emptiness in my heart that long to be filled. Isn’t it nice if I can share all the wonderful events in my life with someone that cherish me? Oh. 🙂
Looking forward.
Next week I will take part in Terry Fox Run. Yes, it is A RUN. I will be joining 35 other MindValley people and 500 from Petronas (my housemate included) and thousand other runners at Lake Garden. To anyone who is shaking their head in disbelief, I am getting fitter okay. I exercise at least 3 days a week, 20 minutes each session.
And, my biggest problem now is not whether I can or cannot finish the run. My biggest concern is how to get there and where to park the car! Significant mind shift ha? 🙂
Some people noted I lose weight a little bit. And you know what? Its not because of Puasa or diet (well, maybe). I think it is most probably due I have “more” free weekends this one month. When I say “free”, its a weekend with “me” time. I like free weekends in a way, but in another way if not monitored properly it can suck me down. Emotionally. When I am drained emotionally, I tend to eat less. Hmm, on a second thought, I am not sure what I said on the last line is true, but for the past weeks, it certainly is. 😉
And then the exciting month of November beckon. 🙂
There is only one piece of the puzzle left. People said, this piece of puzzle will come faster if its not seek and be left at its own natural course. I am not sure that happened because you are not aware of the time, or if it is really true.
Whatever it is, I hope it happen sooner rather than later.
Sharing is caring. 🙂
Best Regards