Satu perkara yang saya aware, hidup ini boleh dikatakan macam roda. “Boleh dikatakan”, sebab saya tak sanggup nak mengakui ia adalah kebenaran. Kenapa kita tak boleh sentiasa di atas? Kenapa perlu berada di bawah?
Berada di bawah, tak best.
Namun, suka atau tidak apabila saya rasa seperti di bawah, the fact that I understand that life can be like a wheel, make me stronger. And the fact that I have my conscience clear when I am on top, help me to sleep better now.
But the circumstances doesn’t change. When it’s not your turn yet, and you are not on top yet, you take shit from people, scrape whatever you can, even accept the fact that you just gonna be a wallpaper and do what you got to do to survive.
When I am back on top, it will strengthen my belief. Permudahkan kerja orang, supaya Tuhan permudahkan kerja kita. Never be an ass. Because life is like a wheel.